07 Jan Younger People are Getting Facelifts
It used to be that facelifts were reserved for those who were at least 50—but at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center and around the globe, younger and younger patients are getting facelifts. About 6,000 facelifts are performed every year in the United States on people under the age of 54. Actually, these demographic now make up 34 percent of all facelifts. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the arrival of the mini facelift. It’s just what it sounds like: a facelift, but on a less invasive scale. Mini facelifts can help delay the need for a full facelift by several years. The recovery is quicker, there are fewer and shorter incisions, and it’s become a fantastic alternative or “pre-facelift” procedure.
There are definitely perks to getting facelifts at a younger age. Whether you opt for a full facelift or a mini facelift, you’re going to have a shorter recovery period in your 50s (or younger) rather than your 60s or 70s. There’s the fact that you just recover faster when you’re younger, but there’s also less tissue being removed and readjusted. Ultimately, not much tissue is actually trimmed away during a facelift, but there is a detailed amount of adjustment happening. This is especially true with today’s innovative techniques designed to offer a natural outcome.
The Benefits of Getting a Facelift Younger
Plus, if you’d prefer to be discrete, getting a facelift when you’re younger makes things easier. Consider Sofia Vergara, who’s about to turn 50. She hasn’t admitted to a facelift, but rumors have been circulating given her renewed, refreshed appearance. That being said, it doesn’t look like she’s had “anything done”—and that’s exactly how it should be. It’s impossible to say for certain whether or not she’s had a facelift because she’s so young for the procedure.
You can enjoy the same benefits if you’re 50 or younger and get a facelift (though of course without the mass public scrutiny Vergara faces). However, if you wait until your 60s or 70s, there’s a good chance your goal will be to look about 20 years younger. That’s doable for some patients in this age group, but if discretion is also your goal then that’s not going to happen. You can’t look 20 years younger and not expect anyone to notice. For those who prefer aging gracefully, or at least the appearance of it, an earlier facelift is a big benefit. Typically, younger patients look 5 – 10 years younger as reported by non-biased viewers in studies. As for your friends? They’ll notice how revitalized you look but won’t automatically think “facelift”—especially if you work with the most reputable cosmetic surgeons.
How Young is Too Young For A Facelift?
There’s no singular age for when you “should” get a facelift or mini facelift. However, most people start showing clear signs of aging in their 30s. In fact, this decade can be a great time to start thinking about a mini lift. Those in their 20s and younger can further delay the desire for a facelift or mini facelift by taking great care of their skin and avoiding UV rays. This is a habit that should persist throughout life and can also include non-surgical treatments like laser treatments, chemical peels, and using medical-grade skin care products.
Neurotoxins like Botox and Dysport are always fantastic avenues for “training” muscles to not create lines and wrinkles, but they will only last for so long. Dermal fillers are also helpful and can be good complements to facelifts and mini facelifts. Many patients opt for dermal fillers after their facelift because, bear in mind, a facelift does not add or restore volume. Underlying tissues are adjusted, but fillers may be required to actually “fill out” areas that might be hollowed from age or fat loss.
Start Planning Now
Are you ready to consider a facelift or mini facelift? You might be! With so many benefits to early planning and an earlier surgery, right now is the perfect time to start this journey with a consultation. Plus, winter time is the best season for plastic surgeries. Many of us are hunkering down, counting down the months until summer vacations. Plastic surgery in the winter means you’ll be healed by summer and ready to show off the renewed you. Connect with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling the office or completing the online form to schedule your consultation.