13 May Understanding Capsular Contracture: Solutions and Prevention Strategies with Dr. Shaun Parson
Understanding Capsular Contracture
Breast augmentation with implants is a common procedure with high success rates, but complications such as capsular contracture can occur. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for patients experiencing or concerned about capsular contracture.
What is Capsular Contracture?
It is a condition where excessive scar tissue forms around breast implants, causing discomfort and deformity. Recognizing the symptoms and understanding treatment options are crucial for those affected.
Understanding Capsular Contracture:
It can develop as the body’s immune response to foreign objects like breast implants. Excessive scar tissue forms, leading to pain and tightening around the implant. While it can occur at any time post-surgery, it’s more common within 4-6 weeks. Symptoms include firmness, pain, asymmetry, and visible changes in the breasts.
Treatment Options:
Treatment varies depending on the severity of capsular contracture:
- Massage therapy: Conservative treatment to break up scar tissue.
- Closed capsulotomy: Noninvasive compression technique to disrupt scar tissue.
- Open capsulectomy: Surgical removal of scar tissue with or without implant replacement.
- En Bloc Removal: Removal of implant and scar tissue as a single unit.
Prevention Strategies:
Preventing capsular contracture involves early intervention and proactive measures:
- Regular breast massage post-surgery to maintain tissue flexibility.
- Avoiding strenuous activities to prevent implant displacement.
- Early detection and prompt treatment of symptoms.
Do You Need Surgery?
If experiencing symptoms like hardness, pain, asymmetry, or visible changes in breast appearance, consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson is recommended. Dr. Parson employs meticulous surgical techniques to minimize complications and offers personalized treatment plans to address it effectively.
Capsular contracture can impact breast augmentation patients, but with early detection and expert intervention, it can be managed successfully. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery prioritizes patient care and offers advanced solutions to restore comfort and aesthetic harmony. Contact us today at 480-282-8386 for personalized consultation and comprehensive treatment options. To see some revised breast augmentation procedures you can view some before and after photos here.
AMSPS has an article about it here.