09 Feb Tummy Tucks vs. the Mommy Makeover
You don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to schedule your consultation for a mommy makeover at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center—and you don’t even have to be a mother! A “mommy makeover” is a colloquial term for a combination of surgeries that are typically desired by those who are post-partum. There’s no set combination of surgeries unique to a mommy makeover because each one is customized for the patient. However, a tummy tuck is almost always included in a mommy makeover (as is breast surgery and liposuction), but did you know there are many types of tummy tucks?
A tummy tuck in and of itself is not a mommy makeover. When performed alone, it is simply a tummy tuck and is routinely requested by both women and men. A tummy tuck combines the removal of both excess fat (via liposuction as part of the surgery) and loose skin. It takes the body beyond what can be achieved with diet and exercise alone. Having loose skin, stretch marks, and separated abdominal muscles are all very common side effects of both pregnancy and weight fluctuations. These damages don’t have to be permanent. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can give you the taut, flat tummy that you deserve.
Types of Tucks
We don’t get the same sagging skin and fat pockets as other people, so why should all tummy tucks be the same? The most common type of tummy tuck is a “traditional tummy tuck,” which gets rid of unwanted fat and sagging skin while also repairing abdominal muscles that may have been stretched out. The incision is hidden below the beltline, and the exact length will be dictated by the distribution of sagging skin.
It is common for the incision to be approximately hip bone to hip bone. Post-partum patients who had a C-section may be able to have the same incision point to minimize additional scarring. A traditional tummy tuck is ideal for those with diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles). However, if you are at or close to your goal weight and do not have severely sagging skin or diastasis recti, you may benefit from a less invasive form of tummy tuck. Healing requires no strenuous activity for about 6 – 8 weeks.
Tummy Tuck Modifications
A mini-tuck is for those who have mild to somewhat moderate amount of loose skin and excess fat that is localized. This fat is often located below the belly button. Also called a limited abdominoplasty, this type of tuck will not tighten skin above the bellybutton. There should be no need to create a new bellybutton either. Bear in mind that this type of tummy tuck does not remove as many stretchmarks. A mini tummy tuck is great for someone with a “bulge” of fat in the area between the bellybutton and pubic bone, but is generally otherwise happy with their stomach’s appearance.
In some cases, a type of tummy tuck called an umbilical float tummy tuck may be recommended. It is very much like the mini tummy tuck, but it releases the belly button from its attachment with a hidden, internal incision. The belly button is then moved to a slightly lower location. You can get a little more skin tightening with this method when compared to a mini tummy tuck and the muscles higher up can also be sutured.
Designing Your Mommy Makeover
As you can see, a tummy tuck is a very popular part of a mommy makeover! Stretch marks, stretched-out skin, unwanted fat, and weakened or separated abdominal muscles are all very typical features of a post-partum body—but they don’t have to be. A mommy makeover can be a fantastic solution for those who want to “get back” their pre-pregnancy body or even achieve the taut skin and youthful appearance they’ve always wanted. Breastfeeding should be complete prior to any surgical work on the breasts to ensure the authentic size and shape can be assessed. A BMI of less than 30 and being within 10 pounds of goal weight will yield the best results.
A mommy makeover might not be for you if you think you may have more biological children in the future. While a mommy makeover will not physically keep you from having more children, there’s a chance you may need or want another mommy makeover when you are post-partum once again. The recovery time for a mommy makeover ranges, with 8 – 12 weeks before resuming strenuous activity being typical. Find out more about a mommy makeover by contacting Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today for your consultation.