05 Nov Tummy Tucks after a C-Section
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most popular parts of a mommy makeover. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, tummy tucks are also one of the most-requested of any procedure and they can be suitable for both women and men. However, for post-partum patients who were always planning on undergoing a tummy tuck, how does a C-section affect it?
Most people don’t plan to have a cesarean. There are a lot of emotions that go into it, and the way it will affect your future tummy tuck plans isn’t usually the most pressing, it is worth addressing. It’s not uncommon for a parent to want to reclaim their pre-baby body. If you had a C-section birth, the reality is that you can’t get a tummy tuck immediately afterward—but you can get one after a bit of time.
Why C-Sections and Tummy Tucks Don’t Pair Well at First
Patients who undergo a C-section understandably have the tummy area swollen afterwards. You’ll also be carrying some extra baby weight right after you give birth that is going to naturally subside. Although some celebrities reportedly have paired a C-section with a tummy tuck, a trend dubbed “too posh to push,” it’s not a recommended practice anymore. Both a C-section and a tummy tuck are very invasive surgeries, and any surgery requires healing. It was trendy for a bit to combine the two because a C-section scar and tummy tuck scar can often be in the same area. Why get two scars when you could just get one?
If this is your concern, don’t worry. Once your C-section has healed, the tummy tuck can almost always be performed using the same incision site as your C-section scar. This means you won’t have to have two scars instead of one. In fact, following a C-section with a tummy tuck a few months later can actually help reduce scarring because during a C-section the doctors aren’t prioritizing aesthetics. Your C-section scar might not have healed as well as it could have, but that might be correctable during a tummy tuck.
Don’t Worry About “Healing Twice”
It’s understandable that a post-partum patient wants to minimize any healing time. Combining these two surgeries sounds great, but it’s simply not in the best interest of the patient. For starters, a tummy tuck does a lot more than remove excess skin (although it certainly does that very well!). It also strengthens the abdominals by stitching them back together. This can correct diastasis recti, a common occurrence during pregnancy.
Many patients also opt to get liposuction at the same time they get a tummy tuck. This is a great way to achieve a taut, flat tummy. However, immediately after giving birth and during breastfeeding, your hormones are elevated and causing a lot of water weight to be retained. That pooch isn’t necessarily fat, but rather your body’s natural water retention.
Be Wary of Surgeons Who Will “Stand By” as You Deliver
Simply put, your body needs and deserves time to heal after a C-section. This is very difficult to do if you aggravate your body by adding on a cosmetic procedure that simply isn’t paramount at this time in your life. Wait a few months, allow for the swelling and water retention to decrease, and then discuss your tummy tuck options with a qualified and reputable surgeon.
The good news is that the celebrity trend of combining C-sections with tummy tucks has largely faded. You might still be able to find a plastic surgeon who will stand by as you deliver your baby, ready to perform an immediate abdominoplasty. Steer clear of these circumstances. Such a procedure does not prioritize you and your baby’s health, and it also typically does not lead to the best results possible anyway.
A C-section is invasive enough, and you deserve to heal as quickly as possible so you can best care for your newborn. Adding on a tummy tuck will just increase your discomfort and recovery period. Instead, consider a tummy tuck as an indulgence to look forward to in a few months. And if your C-section scar doesn’t heal that great? Your tummy tuck can probably fix it. To find out more about tummy tucks, call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 and schedule a consultation.