04 Apr Tummy Tuck Or Mommy Makeover – Which Is Right For Me?
A mommy makeover is a combination of multiple procedures, with a tummy tuck being one procedure that could be included in your mommy makeover. The mommy makeover you receive will depend on the procedures that you and your surgeon decide upon. Most women combine a few procedures for the ultimate results.
The Mommy Makeover procedures that surgeons use in combination are:
Almost always, the tummy tuck and liposuction procedures are combined. They each accomplish very different things, but when used in unison, the ultimate result is fantastic. The tummy tuck takes care of the excess, sagging skin in the abdominal area, while the liposuction contours the body in the areas where stubborn fat, the kind that ignores dieting and exercise, is removed through a vacuum mechanism. Together, they combine to make the perfect union.
Breast size can also change. Pregnancy does a number on them causing them to temporarily enlarge, only to ultimately deflate. Well, have no fear, Breast lift to the rescue! A breast lift repositions the nipple, placing it on a higher plane, therefore, pointing them forward again. If desired, an augmentation can also be done to add fullness and proportion.
What Is Recovery Like For A Mommy Makeover / Tummy Tuck?
Depending on the extent of your procedure, it will take several weeks to recover from a mommy makeover. Your doctor will unquestionably limit your activities, so it will be necessary to enlist family and friends to help during this time frame.
Some things you may experience during the healing process are:
• Bruising
• Pain
• Tightness
• Swelling
• Discomfort
As time goes by, and the healing process continues, you will begin to see the transformation that you were hoping for. A few months may need to pass before the ultimate result is seen, but most women emphatically agree that it was well worth the wait.
Scottsdale Mommy Makeover Surgery with Dr. Shaun Parson
Are you seriously considering a mommy makeover? Contact our team of professionals at Dr. Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center. We will consult with you and guide you to your ultimate mommy makeover, showing you the options and possibilities that await you. Call for your personal consultation today at (480) 282-8386.