27 Nov Your Post-Tummy Tuck Belly Button
Whether or not you’ll need belly button reconstruction during a tummy tuck depends on many factors—but no matter what, “Top Doc” Dr. Parson will ensure you have a belly button that is natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing. Many patients don’t realize when they schedule a consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center that their belly button comes into consideration during a tummy tuck assessment. Every tummy tuck is unique, including how much skin will be removed. While the incision scar is always hidden below the beltline, those who have a moderate or large amount of skin removed will also likely have their belly button removed.
What to Expect After Surgery
There’s no medical need for a belly button after birth. However, it would certainly look strange if someone didn’t have a belly button! Belly button reconstructive or restorative surgery is a common component of many tummy tucks. Belly buttons are critical to the cosmetic makeup of the stomach, with some people opting for belly button reconstruction even when they don’t get a tummy tuck—they just want one that looks “better.”
Technically called umbilicoplasty, belly button surgery can either repair a belly button, turn an outie into an innie, and of course, create or restore a belly button during a tummy tuck. If you’re interested in a tummy tuck because you’re post-partum, you’ve likely seen that pregnancy can do a number on your tummy skin and belly button. Rest easy knowing that a tummy tuck can tighten and remove excess skin while also giving you an attractive belly button.
Schedule Your Consultation
From reshaping the belly button to repairing umbilical hernias, there are many reasons people seek out belly button plastic surgery. It’s a conversation you’ll have as you explore your tummy tuck options, and something to keep in mind if you’ve never particularly liked the look of your belly button. Tummy tucks ultimately involve several complementary procedures, such as liposuction, but most people aren’t aware that a belly button surgery is part of the package. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today and start your journey towards a flatter, more attractive tummy.