22 Aug Tummy Tucks and Other Procedures are “Booming”
Tummy tucks are one of the most desired cosmetic surgeries for men and women. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center is a leading Scottsdale tummy tuck clinic, and constantly gives patients life-altering procedures. In many cases, a tummy tuck is the first time a patient has been able to achieve the flat, taut tummy of their dreams. Whether sagging skin and the dreaded “pooch” in the belly has been caused by weight fluctuations, pregnancy, aging, or just genetics, it’s a source of low self-esteem for many people. The belly is one of the toughest areas on the body to spot-train, and many times diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to give you the youthful tummy you feel comfortable showing.
Tummy tucks are often combined with liposuction
Tummy tucks are often combined with liposuction for the ultimate effect. However, it’s more often the sagging, crepe-like skin of the belly that leads patients to seek out tummy tucks. The tummy skin is relatively thin, and as we get older many of us are simply prone to laxity in this area. This is especially true for older adults, which is why the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals that baby boomers are getting tummy tucks at an incredible rate. The ASPS reports that more Americans age 55+ are getting cosmetic procedures, with 50,000 in this age group opting for treatment in 2018. Tummy tucks are especially popular.
The golden crowd simply wants to look as young as they feel, but that doesn’t mean they’re trying to look 20 again. Instead, they want to look their best selves. Liposuction and breast augmentation are also top procedures for this demographic. According to the ASPS, this is a new trend for older adults thanks in part to online dating.
Going online to find a date or mate is now the modus operandi of every generation. The ASPS says that tummy tucks and other procedures give baby boomers the confidence to make online profiles and put themselves out there. Other procedures, such as facelifts and eye lifts, are increasingly being dominated by this crowd. In fact, last year 66 percent of all facelifts were performed on those 55+ (even though those in their 40s and early 50s are often just as good of candidates).
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center
No matter your age (or dating status), if you’re interested in a tummy tuck in Scottsdale, trust the area’s “Top Doc.” Call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your consultation.