20 Sep Trouble Growing Muscles? Emsculpt to the Rescue!
There’s no doubt about it: growing muscles is tough and requires constant work. That’s why Parson Skin Center offers Emsculpt, the technology that forces targeted muscles into 20,000 supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. That’s the equivalent of performing 20,000 perfect squats, lunges, bicep curls, crunches, or another dreaded gym move. Let’s take a look at why muscle growth is so tough and what you can do about it.
Beginning in your late 20s, sarcopenia begins. This refers to age-related muscle mass loss, and most people lose a certain percentile of muscle mass throughout the decades (that percentile really skyrockets around the age of 50). This is a big problem because muscles are critical to keeping us healthy. They protect our bones, ligaments, and tendons, and help us with functions of daily living. Of course, they look great, too. However, actually growing them and keeping them strong gets more and more difficult the older we get.
Building Muscles the Old-Fashioned Way
Before Emsculpt, there were just two ways to grow muscles: strength training and manual labor (though in many ways they’re the same thing). There are countless strength training regimens, but they all do the same thing. Whether you like fixed weight machines, dumbbells, kettlebells, Crossfit, or any other type of strength-building workout, ultimately you are stressing your muscles just the right amount to encourage muscle tear and growth.
There’s a good type of muscle tear and a bad kind. The good kind is a tiny tear or stressor that your body will heal in the days following your workout. As these little tears repair (with the help of protein consumed), muscles get bigger. They “learn” how to be stronger so that your body can sustain similar stress in the future. The recovery period is important because if muscles aren’t allowed to recover, there is a higher possibility to undergo a serious tear.
Gym injuries are common. Even professional athletes and bodybuilders have a number of injury stories to tell. It’s very difficult for even pros to gauge how hard to push themselves. A slightly wrong move and you could sustain a serious sprain or strain, benching you from workouts for months or even years. A ligament or tendon tear can be impossible to repair since these tissues don’t have good blood flow. In other words, getting muscles strong and keeping them that way is important to our overall health, but it’s very difficult, time-consuming, and dangerous to do. Until now.
The Emsculpt Difference
We know that muscles experiencing the right amount of stress is the key to strong muscles. However, just because traditionally this required strength training doesn’t mean it has to be the only way. Muscles don’t “know” or “care” how this stress occurs. Emsculpt makes muscles perform a large number of contractions, or stresses muscles, in quick succession with no risk of injury and without you having to do a thing.
Of course, muscles will still need to recover. To them, it’s just like they did an incredible 20,000 move workout. This means results aren’t immediate but will reveal themselves as if you really did do 20,000 squats or the equivalent. Rest and feeding the muscles protein after Emsculpt is just as important as it is after a gym session. Most clients achieve the best results after 3 – 6 Emsculpt sessions spaced about one month apart followed by maintenance sessions every 6 months.
The Emsculpt Approach
Emsculpt is not a replacement for workouts, but rather a complement to them. The technology can help you take your results to the next level, get you back on track after a workout break, or simply help you sustain the results you already have. This is a proven means of building muscles in a safe manner, and as a bonus, it’s the only way to really target specific muscles. With other forms of strength training, you can’t really isolate muscles—there are always other muscles “helping” along the way. If you want to hyper-focus on key muscles, Emsculpt is a way to do just that.
Ready to experience the Emsculpt difference for yourself? Schedule a consultation with Parson Skin Center today. We’re much more than a medical spa, offering the latest technology to achieve your goals. Connect by calling Parson Skin Center or filling out the online form today.