27 Sep To Trade or Not To Trade? Breast Implant Exchange
Have you fallen out of love with your breast implants? What you desired in your 20s may not be what you’re wanting to see in your 40s. Fortunately, if this is the case, Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery can help!
For most women, there’s usually no reason to exchange breast implants if there haven’t been any complications, such as a rupture or capsular contracture. So, if there are no issues, when should you exchange your implants?
Reasons for Breast Implant Exchange
Implant exchange is pretty common amongst women who’ve had breast augmentation. Most of your original incisions can be used to reduce additional scarring on the breast. There may be some instances where it’s not medically advisable to have an implant exchange. If this is the case, Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson will discuss your options with you. Women seek out implant exchange for various reasons including:
No Longer Happy With Breast Size: This may be one of the most popular reasons women elect to swap out their implants. Maybe you no longer desire the large breasts you chose when you were younger and underwent breast augmentation. Dr. Parson can replace your previous implants for a smaller size to fit your body and your cosmetic goals. Or perhaps, you recently had breast augmentation, and you want to go a size or two bigger. This can also be accomplished.
Breast Implant Appearance Changed With Pregnancy: Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy with your breasts usually bearing the brunt of it. Some women go through pregnancy and childbirth without skipping a beat and continue to love their implants long after; however, other women become dissatisfied with their appearance due to breast size and shape changing. Implant exchange can be added to a mommy makeover to help restore breasts to their pre-pregnancy form.
Breasts Have Begun to Sag: Breast sagging, or ptosis, can occur with or without breast implants. Sadly, it’s just part of the natural aging process. When this occurs, a breast lift is usually needed. Implant exchange can be combined with a lift and may be necessary due to the amount of ptosis and the new look once the breasts have been lifted to their new upright position. With a breast lift, new incisions are usually required.
Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery For More Info on Implant Exchange
If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your breast implants, consider a change. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson by calling (480) 282-8386 and take the next step to looking and feeling your best.