20 Feb TouchMD — Plastic Surgery Patient Software Explained
TouchMD is a state-of-the-art system that allows the physician to enhance doctor/patient communication by solving two huge problems that exist between doctors and patients: long wait times while at doctors’ offices and lack of valuable information given to patients during diagnosis.
This lack of critical information being delivered to the patient is often because of a rush that exists from over-scheduling and unforeseen emergencies. For the information that patients need, there’s TouchMD.
TouchMD is a combination of hardware and an easy-to-navigate patient software interface. A touch screen is placed in the exam room to be easily accessible to the patient. It allows the patient to view topic-driven educational information about a particular process or procedure.
Learn more about the TouchMD technology by visiting our website today. You can also set up a consultation with Scottsdale cosmetic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson.