11 Sep The Science of Emsculpt
When they say something is too good to be true, it’s not backed by science—Emsculpt is. Available at Parson Skin Center, if you start your initial series now you’ll be seeing serious results just in time for those holiday parties (and getting a head start on warding off winter weight). How and why our muscles “grow” and get stronger is pretty simple. When muscles are exposed to stressors, whether from lifting weights, manual labor, or Emsculpt, they contract. This causes tiny tears in the muscle fibers. These aren’t the kinds of tears that require rest and recovery, but rather a tear that creates a thicker tissue. Your body is smart, so it wants to make sure muscles are strong enough to withstand similar future stressors. However, your body doesn’t really care how these contractions occur—and that’s where Emsculpt comes in.
Emsculpt is a totally non-invasive treatment that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) tech to create the perfect kind of contractions (supramaximal contractions), otherwise known as deep muscle stimulation. In every session, Emsculpt creates 20,000 of these contractions per site. That is identical to doing 20,000 curls, crunches, lunges, or other muscle-building activity but with flawless execution and very quickly.
The actual machinery is kind of like a small MRI machine in that it uses magnetic fields at therapeutic levels. Numerous studies have delineated how Emsculpt works and on average it creates a 19 percent increase in muscle development. Participants in every Emsculpt study were relatively fit and at a healthy weight. This is in keeping with what’s considered the best candidates for Emsculpt, although it will “work” on anyone of any size. There are certainly functional benefits to Emsculpt, but most people opt for this treatment for aesthetic reasons. They’ve hit a plateau at the gym, are already at a good weight but want to set a foundation for muscle-building, or simply want to supplement their existing workouts. Building muscle is always a good thing, but if you want toned muscles for the look, remember that a layer of fat on top is going to hide the muscles you have been buildingt. That’s why Emsculpt works alongside a healthy diet and exercise (not as an alternative).
What to Expect with Emsculpt
No anesthesia or numbing agent are needed for Emsculpt. It’s completely pain-free. You will feel muscle contractions, of course, and they are intense but very tolerable. Many people record or livestream their experience since it’s so unique. After your treatment, there is no recovery period. You can expect soreness 24 – 48 hours after the treatment because, after all, you just had a serious workout. You can help alleviate this with a BCAA supplement and by consuming a good amount or protein after your appointment. Initial number of Emsculpt sessions is typically 4 – 6 per site spaced one month apart. Maintenance sessions every six months are then recommended for most people.
Since you are building muscle naturally to some degree, results are not immediate. Most people start to see improvement after four sessions. However, full results are not visible until three months after your final treatment. Don’t count on the scale to gauge success, but rather take measurements, photos, and consider how your clothes fit. Building muscle is always a bit of a long game, which is why you should start now if you want to look and feel your best by the holidays.
No special prep is necessary before your treatment, but drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help minimize muscle cramping. All metal should be removed and light, loose clothing is best for treatment. Since this is a tiny MRI machine, it’s critical that no metal is worn (some leggings, especially by Lululemon, have metal fibers—avoid those). Your provider can control the strength and intensity of the contractions, and you’re going to get the best results with the strongest application. Very lean patients might not be able to reach 100 percent intensity, especially in the abs, but as long as you’re feeling contractions you’re going to get results.
To find out more about Emsculpt, schedule a consult or appointment at Parson Skin Center today. Call the office during business hours or complete the online contact form now.