The Hype of Morpheus 8 is real!

Morpheus 8 blog Scottsdale | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center

The Hype of Morpheus 8 is real!

Morpheus 8 at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center

Morpheus8 is a non-invasive or minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that combines microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) technology to rejuvenate and tighten the skin. It is often used for facial and body contouring, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction. Here’s how Morpheus8 treatment works:


During the Morpheus8 procedure, a device with tiny, fine needles is used to create micro-injuries in the skin’s surface. These controlled injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing process, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Radiofrequency (RF) Energy:

Simultaneously, RF energy is delivered deep into the skin through the microneedles. RF energy heats the underlying tissue, further stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin.

The combination of microneedling and RF energy allows Morpheus8 to target multiple layers of the skin, from the surface to the deeper layers. This dual-action approach can address various skin concerns.



Skin Tightening: Morpheus8 can help tighten loose or sagging skin, particularly in areas like the face, neck, and body.

Wrinkle Reduction: The treatment can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helping to improve skin texture and overall youthful appearance.

Scar Revision: Morpheus8 can be used to improve the appearance of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars.

Contouring: It is effective for body contouring, helping to shape and sculpt areas with excess fat or loose skin.

Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: Morpheus8 can address issues related to skin texture and pigmentation irregularities.


Benefits of Morpheus8

Benefits of Morpheus 8 treatment include minimal downtime, as it is a non-surgical procedure. Patients can typically return to their regular activities within a few days, although some redness and swelling may be present initially. Results are typically gradual and continue to improve over several weeks as collagen production increases.

It’s essential to consult with one of our qualified and experienced medical professionals at Parson Skin Center before undergoing Morpheus8 or any cosmetic treatment to determine if it’s suitable for your specific concerns and skin type. The number of sessions required can vary depending on individual goals, and a customized treatment plan will be recommended based on your needs. You can call us at 480-282-8386 to schedule or learn more.