02 Jun Save Time and Money with Laser Hair Reduction
If you live into your golden years, you’re going to spend over one solid month on hair removal. There’s nothing as precious as time and Parson Skin Center can give you more of it with laser hair reduction. We offer the GentleMax Pro for laser hair reduction, which can drastically reduce hair growth for months and even years. Everyone responds a little differently to this treatment, but many clients report that their hair growth is so significantly minimized that they can stop shaving and waxing altogether.
The best candidates typically have fair skin and dark hair, but GentleMax Pro can be effective on many skin and hair colors. It can also be used just about anywhere on the face and body including the legs, arms, bikini area, beard, and underarms. Men and women alike can save both time and money with laser hair reduction because BOTH sexes spend over a month in a lifetime struggling with temporary removal—and costly razor blades and waxing appointments.
Why Can’t Hair Just Get Removed for Good?
It can, but achieving this goal involves a very expensive, time-consuming, and painful process. The only way to get rid of hair permanently is with electrolysis. This requires individually “zapping” every visible hair in what can be a very uncomfortable process. With electrolysis, the hairs must be visible and long enough to tweeze in order to be treated, and since hair grows in cycles this can take months or even years. Worse, there’s no guarantee that the power level being used will actually work. It’s common to have to get electrolysis multiple times on the same individual hair.
Electrolysis can be effective if you have just a couple of really stubborn hairs driving you crazy. This might be the case for some women who have one or two stray hairs near the nipple, or electrolysis might be recommended for an eyelash that is growing at an angle that scratches the cornea. In other words, it’s just not feasible to use when you are looking to remove more than a handful of hairs.
The Laser Difference
Unlike electrolysis, laser hair reduction can treat large areas in one short appointment. The feeling is most often compared to a rubber band snapping against the skin, although some clients report feeling virtually nothing at all. For those with sensitive skin or being treated in sensitive areas, a topical numbing cream can be applied before your treatment. Laser hair reduction will require multiple sessions, usually 3 – 6 per treatment site for optimal results. You will notice a difference in just a couple of weeks after the treatment, but it can take a little longer to really enjoy the full results.
Lasers can reduce hair growth, sometimes by quite a bit, but it is not actually a hair removal tool. However, you can opt for more sessions in the future if you want even smoother skin. Hormone fluctuations can kick-start hair growth, so pregnancy, menopause, or other circumstances might make you experience a burst of hair growth. Don’t worry—there are no limits on laser hair reduction treatments. It is a safe and effective treatment that you can use as often as you like.
Summer Skin
Summer is the perfect time to indulge in laser hair reduction. As the short, tee-shirts, and swimsuits are pulled out of the closet, you deserve to show off silky skin you love. Laser hair reduction can help you shave less this summer (or not at all!). What would you do with all of that extra time? After a year of staying home and canceling vacations, many are starting to plan trips and get-togethers for the first time in months. That’s just one way to better spend your time—and maybe ditch the razor for good.
To learn more about laser hair reduction or to schedule a complimentary consultation, get in touch with Parson Skin Center today. We can determine if you’re a good fit for laser hair reduction, schedule an initial appointment, and map out a treatment plan for the summer. Get in touch today by calling the office or filling out the online form.