25 Oct Fix Muscle Separation with Post-Pregnancy Tummy Tuck
There are women who admit that pregnancy was hard on their bodies and then there are women who claim pregnancy was the best time of their lives. Regardless of which woman you are, your body went through major changes during pregnancy. Your breasts got bigger, your belly got much bigger, and fat may have shown up in areas you never knew fat existed. And just because you had the baby, it doesn’t mean your body snapped back to its original shape and size. It usually takes work and a lot of it. Some women undergo changes, such as muscle separation, where they have no choice but to seek medical help. Fortunately, Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson is here to help. If you’re suffering from muscles separation due to pregnancy, a tummy tuck at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery can repair your muscles and flatten your abdomen to help you look even better than you did before you got pregnant.
What is Muscle Separation?
Muscle separation, also referred to as diastasis recti, is when the muscles in the abdominal wall are separated due to being overstretched and are unable to retract back to their former position. The abdomen is made up of two bands of muscles that run parallel in the middle of the stomach. They are connected by a thin sheet of tissue known as the fascia. During pregnancy, the abdomen continues to expand as the baby grows, this results in the muscles being pulled apart from each other as well as the fascia between stretched.
After childbirth, it’s common for the elasticity in the skin as well as in the fascia and muscles to have been lost. No amount of diet or exercise can repair muscle separation. The loss of elasticity within the abdominal wall can cause a change in shape to the stomach making it appear swollen, often referred to as a protruding belly. When this occurs, the only solution is a tummy tuck.
Fascia Repair with a Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck can repair the stretched fascia along with removing unwanted skin and fat in the midsection. During abdominoplasty, the muscles are pulled together, and the fascia is sutured tight. This gives you a flat tummy with a sculpted appearance. By tightening the muscles, your abdominal wall regains structure and eliminates a protruding belly.
Whether you enjoyed pregnancy or not, you deserve to love your body after it. If you suffer from diastasis recti and/or loose excess skin caused by pregnancy, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery at 480-282-8386 to schedule a consultation. A tummy tuck can repair your abdominal muscles and give you back your pre-pregnancy tummy.