27 Oct Facelift Surgery – How Can I Minimize Scarring?
There are quite a few factors that contribute to the amount of scarring you will have following a facelift. Scarring can vary from patient to patient because of skin type, the characteristics the patient has regarding wound healing, and the type of facelift you are undergoing and the skill of the surgeon you have chosen.
Surgeons, of course, can have a major influence over your scarring potential, but absolutely no control over your skin type biology and its potential for wound healing. Many times, darker and oilier skin tends to take longer to heal and actually may stay red longer. More often than not, it can take up to a year or more for healing to take place. During that year and for up to 18 months, redness fades, scars flatten.
Helping To Expedite Healing
It is wise to consider some options to help speed up the healing process:
- Scar massage and some topical agents could aid in faster wound healing.
- Sunscreen is recommended to keep scars from darkening.
- For up to 6 months, silicone sheets or scar gels can help.
- At 4 weeks post op, fractionated lasers can help blend the scars. This can be repeated every 4 weeks for up to 6 months.
Schedule a Facelift Surgery Consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson
To learn more about facelifts and perhaps schedule a consultation, give Dr. Shaun Parson office a call. We will gladly answer your concerns and guide you through the process. You can send us an email or call our office – 480-282-8386.