07 Oct Less is More: The Trend of Smaller Breast Implants
Contrary to what Instagram might be telling you, subtlety is the new beauty trend and that extends to breast augmentation. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center has always found breast augmentation, the enhancement of the breasts via implant placement, to be one of the most popular procedures but in recent years women have been choosing smaller sized implants. Aesthetics certainly play a role, and that’s something we see change over the years. An obvious example is the hourglass figure of Marilyn Monroe giving way to the waif-life figure of Twiggy. Trends in breast augmentation come and go—or grow and shrink—and if you’re considering breast implants there are a few lifestyle considerations to think about.
Women have increasingly participated in sports and athletic events in the past decades. That’s no surprise. A lot of female athletes are largely happy with their bodies, but a side effect of being hyper-fit means smaller breasts. There is a genetic component to breast size, but breasts are largely made up of fatty tissue and milk glands. Being in shape ultimately means smaller breasts, and breast implants are the only permanent way to achieve larger breasts for those with low body fat. But what about fitness?
Breast augmentation is meant to complement your lifestyle, not override it. When breast implants are smaller or medium-sized, they easily fit into an active lifestyle. Those who are very active can get the beautiful breasts they desire without having to compromise on comfort or workouts. Smaller breast implants are a natural pairing for those who are very in shape and want to stay that way with vigorous, aggressive workouts like running, boxing, and HIIT training (all activities that are simply easier with smaller breasts).
Perking Up with Breast Implants
Breast skin is designed to stretch, but as we get older that skin just can’t snap back like it used to. We don’t make as much collagen and elastin as we did when we were younger, and that can lead to deflated, sagging breasts after going through weight fluctuations. This becomes especially true for women who experience pregnancy and breastfeeding. Helping women to reclaim their confidence and perceived femininity is a routine goal with breast implants, and many patients are post-partum.
Women in this position were often happy with their pre-fluctuation size and simply want it back. They may have considered a breast lift, which removes excess tissue without placing an implant. However, since our bodies change over the years, they may have discovered that a breast lift simply won’t give them the volume, profile, and look they desire. Smaller breast implants can help women in this situation “get their breasts back” and it’s so natural-looking that nobody will ever guess they’ve had anything done.
The State of Breast Augmentation
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that smaller breast implants are trending as our society moves toward a more organic looking aesthetic. Many women report that they don’t want anyone, including their friends, kids, and co-workers, to know about their plastic surgery. However, that’s just part of the equation. Women are ultimately getting breast implants of any size for themselves so they can wear whatever they like with confidence.
Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll find a plastic surgeon who is on board with the smaller implant trend—and that’s a red flag. Many cosmetic surgeons were trained in an old-school manner of thinking bigger is better. If they’re not fully committed to continuing education, fail to listen to their patient, and are generally stuck in their ways, you might encounter a surgeon who seems more keen on larger breasts. The traditional approach of breast implants when the surgery first peaked in the 1980s was to go big and in some clinics that’s still seen as ideal.
No matter what surgery you’re considering, working with a surgeon who genuinely listens and helps you achieve the results you want is paramount. This is always the case with reputable surgeons, but a before and after gallery can give you an idea of the kinds of results a particular surgeon is known for. Look for trends in the gallery and range in results. You can get started right now by calling Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 and scheduling your own consultation for breast augmentation for whatever size you wish.