31 Dec Avoid Holiday Weight Gain To Maintain Tummy Tuck Results
Holidays are about getting together with family and friends and eating lots and lots of food. With countless parties and get-togethers and feasts galore at your disposal, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. This might not be a major issue for some as it’s typical to gain a few extra pounds over the holidays, but if you underwent tummy tuck surgery at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery, you might want to be a bit more cautious so to maintain your fit tummy. Here are a few tips on how to keep your sleek midsection even while being tempted the most.
Eat Beforehand
We know this doesn’t sound like much fun, but if you go to a party or holiday dinner on an empty stomach, you’re much more likely to succumb to bad eating habits and loading up on fatty and sugary foods. If your stomach is full, you won’t be as tempted to indulge and will be able to avoid making unhealthy choices and filling up on unnecessary calories.
Be Realistic and Eat in Moderation
Just because you’re trying to keep your abdominoplasty results in check doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun this season and treat yourself. It’s unrealistic to say you aren’t going to eat any of the holiday cookies or trimmings. Be realistic but also be mindful. Eat in moderation and pick your options wisely. Choose steamed vegetables over the butter- and sugar-ridden casseroles. Or treat yourself to just a taste and move on to better choices. If you’re worried about having something healthy to eat, bring your own dish. This will give you something you know you love and that won’t compromise your flat tummy.
Exercise Extra for Your Meal
If you’re really wanting to take advantage of the holiday table spread, push yourself a little more during your workouts. Burn extra calories so you can enjoy that glass of wine or cup of eggnog. Research and find out what you need to burn so you can cancel out your calories. It will actually help distract you from overindulging as well as keep you accountable.
Don’t stress this holiday season about being strong and resisting temptations. Make modifications and prepare yourself. You can maintain your tummy tuck results and enjoy some holiday treats at the same time. And if you haven’t had your tummy tuck yet and are ready to get that flat, toned midsection to ring in the New Year, contact Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson at (480) 282-8386 to schedule a consultation. There’s no better time than now to get and maintain the figure you desire.