23 Dec Here’s Why You’re Not Getting “Gains” (and How Emsculpt Can Help)
Fortunately, we’ve finally reached an era where both men and women embrace the benefits of muscle mass. However, at Parson Skin Center, we also know how difficult it can be to grow and keep those “gains,” which is why we offer Emsculpt. This revolutionary technology is non-invasive and forces targeted muscles into 20,000 supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. That’s the same as performing 20,000 exercises like squats or crunches with flawless form. But first, let’s consider why you’re not seeing the progress you’d like to see at the gym:
Emsculpt Your Gains
- There’s a high risk of injury. Even bodybuilders whose job is to perfectly tone and grow muscles get hurt at the gym. One wrong move, and you could be out of commission for weeks. Tearing connective tissue can even lead to years of physical therapy.
- You don’t have time. Everyone is busy, and a lot of the time you have to choose between strength training, cardio, much-needed rest, work, family time and more. Strength training is often the first type of exercise to nix when it comes to time management.
- You might not be performing the exercise right. Performing the right number of reps and sets you need to achieve desired gains takes a lot of work, tweaking, and practice. A set of poorly-performed lunges won’t yield results, and unless you have a skilled personal trainer watching every move, you’ll never know. Which brings us to …
- Gains require expert knowledge, and that knowledge comes with an ongoing price tag. Most people can’t afford (or don’t want to afford!) a personal trainer several days a week.
Schedule Your Emsculpt Consultation
Emsculpt removes all of these barriers. When it comes to toning and growing muscle, muscles need to be expertly torn and then repaired. That’s very difficult to achieve on your own at the gym. Emsculpt does it for you, with recommended maintenance sessions every few months. That’s something everyone can squeeze into their calendar, so schedule your Emsculpt appointment with Parson Skin Center today.