14 Aug Forget About the Pounds, Focus on Inches with a Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is often associated with weight loss regarding removing excess fat and skin from the abdomen. This notion is somewhat skewed, however. Sure, a tummy tuck from Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery can create thinner contours, but it should never be looked at as a weight loss tool. In actuality, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that should be considered following a successful weight loss plan.
Weight Loss First, Then Tummy Tuck
Weight fluctuations cause the skin on the abdomen to stretch, sometimes beyond repair. Skin is made of fibrous materials called collagen and elastin. Once the skin has become overstretched, the collagen and elastin are broken down and are unable to rebuild and provide structure. This is why individuals who have lost a large amount of weight are left with loose, flaccid skin. And once this happens, there’s nothing you can naturally do to get rid of it; not even diet and exercise will affect the layer of skin left behind. Fortunately, a tummy tuck performed by Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson can eliminate all the lax skin to reveal the flat, toned core you achieved during your weight loss efforts.
Forget “Losing Weight” and Flatten Your Midsection
You have probably heard or read from individuals that have undergone a tummy tuck, which following their procedure they “lost weight.” This comes down to a matter of semantics. A tummy tuck doesn’t necessarily cause the number on the scale to go down. If you’re lucky, you may lose five pounds according to the scale. It solely depends on the amount of skin removed and if liposuction was used to remove fatty deposits.
What you will lose, though, is inches. Your pants will begin to fit a little looser, and your dresses will hang a little more freely. By removing the extra skin, your tummy becomes flatter, and your waist becomes streamlined. You no longer have to worry about pulling your pants over the flap of skin that was previously covering your midsection.
Many tummy tuck patients further their weight loss by following a healthy and active lifestyle to maintain their results from surgery. This, in turn, will allow you to see a change in the numbers on the scale.
Achieve Dramatic Results with a Tummy Tuck at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery
If you’re considering a tummy tuck, don’t get bogged down on the idea of losing weight as a result of your procedure. If you’ve already achieved weight loss, your tummy tuck will only further enhance your results. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson at (480) 282-8386 to set up your consultation.