15 Dec Facelift Questions You Will Need Answers To
Facelifts are gaining popularity once again, and for good reason. Facelifts have outstanding results and can last much, much longer that the liquid facelifts done with Botox and fillers. Of course, many women have a multitude of questions they want answered before making the commitment to move forward with a facelift.
Here are just a few possible Facelift questions you may have:
1. Should I drop some weight prior to my facelift?
Honestly, if we are talking about a few pounds here, it will not make a huge difference in the outcome. Ultimately, the patient should be in good overall health, not be a smoker and not be abusive to drugs or alcohol. Being at a healthy weight is always advisable and leaves you with the best chance of having a successful surgery.
2. How Long Will A Facelift Last, Comparing Them With Fillers?
There are some issues that can definitely affect the length of time that a facelift will last. The quality of your skin, such as sun damage, weight changes and environmental factors are some. Each plays a role in the successfulness of a facelift.
Fillers have a definite role to play and are extremely good at what they do. They have the capability of filling in lines and wrinkles, while giving volume back to the aging face. They definitely are the “go to “ in the cosmetic world for people who do not wish to go the surgery route.
When talking about the length of time they last, well, there really is no comparison. Facial fillers are a temporary fix, albeit a good one, they generally last a few months to a year, sometimes a little longer if injected with prowess. The facelift will last for years, but of course, being mindful of good skincare is a big factor in extending facelifts.
Today, you will find that facelifts and fillers work side-by-side helping one another to give the patient the best rejuvenation possible. Together they can work miracles, vanishing the effects of aging and giving the patient youthful appearance once again.
3. Are Their Risks Involved In Facelift Surgery?
As with any surgery, there are risks involved with facelifts, such as infection, bleeding, and possible nerve damage. Truly, facelifts are an inherently safe procedure and when performed by a highly competent, board certified plastic surgeon, the risk rate is minimized. As with all surgeries, the competency of the surgeon plays the biggest role in your recovery and risk factor.
4. How Different Will I Look After A Facelift?
Refreshed and rejuvenated are the key factors in how you will look after surgery. That is what your surgeon should strive for and that should be what you want to see in the mirror. No one wants to look “different,” what he or she wants to see is a natural, refreshed look, as though they have just returned from an extended vacation.
5. How Do I Know If I’m A Good Candidate For A Facelift?
There is no set age when a facelift should or even can be done. The very best way to decide if the time is right for you, is to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. It is there that a determination can be made, taking into account your age, skin, and body type and facial structure. Facelifts are very unique to each individual.
Facelift Consultation with Board Certified Dr. Shaun Parson
If you are considering facial rejuvenation surgery such as a facelift, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center for your individualized consultation. Here we can sit down with you, determine the goals you have in mind and map out a plan for you to receive the very best outcome possible – 480-282-8386.