30 Oct The “Drop and Fluff” Process for Breast Implants
When you hear drop and fluff it sounds like you’re referencing pillows, not breast implants, but this is a genuine process following breast augmentation. Many patients become nervous when they first glance in the mirror because their breast implants sit higher than expected which also gives them the appearance of being much more voluptuous than they actually are.
Most implants will also feel very tight after surgery. This is normal and just a result of your skin and chest muscles reacting to having a foreign object, a breast implant, in this case, being inserted into the body. Once your breast tissue and muscles have time to stretch and relax, your implants are then able to drop and settle into their proper position.
After dropping into their pocket, the implants then begin to “fluff.” Because they are no longer being restricted and essentially flattened by skin and muscles, the breast implants begin to fill out – primarily in the lower breast tissue below the nipple. The drop and fluff process helps your new breasts to take shape and develop a more natural appearance.
Assist Your Implants To Help Them Settle
There’s not a whole lot you can do to speed up the drop and fluff process, but you can assist your implants on their journey. Be sure to wear your compression bra as directed by Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson and massage your breasts regularly. This helps to relax the muscle and keep the tissue soft. Most implants take anywhere from one to three months to settle completely. Implants placed below the muscle take a little bit longer to drop because the muscle needs more time to relax. But, no matter how long it takes for your breast implants to reach their final destination, it will be well worth the wait, we promise!
Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery Today!
Breast augmentation is an evolving process but one that can provide you with amazing results and the bustline you’ve dreamed of having. If you’re considering getting breast implants, contact Dr. Parson by calling 480-282-8386 to schedule your breast augmentation consultation.