01 Dec Important Things To Consider Before Breast Augmentation With A Breast Lift
A Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift is major surgery, and in Scottsdale, as other larger cities, the choice for your surgeon can be overwhelming. Choosing the right qualified surgeon that not only can give you the results you are looking to achieve, but also give you proper direction and aftercare is a very big part of your surgeon’s responsibility. And with all surgeries, care must be taken, and instructions must be followed after surgery. The very last thing your surgeon wants to see is a surgical failure because of poor aftercare.
Consider these suggestions for a smooth and successful recovery after your breast augmentation / breast lift is a must prior to surgery.
Incision Care After Breast Augmentation With Breast Lift
Keeping your surgical incision(s) clean is of utmost importance. Incisions must be checked daily by you or a caregiver for signs of infection. You may shower the day after surgery, however, if you have steri-strips over your incisions, your surgeon may want you to keep them dry so that they don’t come off too early.
Never submerge your incisions until the formed scabs have fallen off. You should abstain from the pool, spa and bathtub for at least two weeks, depending on the type of stitches you have and your surgeon’s evaluation. It is highly advised that you not drive for at least three days after your breast lift to avoid placing any strain on your surgical site, which can cause bleeding or heightened scarring.
Infection After Breast Augmentation With Breast Lift
Infections developing are indeed rare, but you must be aware and look for signs of infection (at incision sites) or hematoma (blood leakage that accumulates below the skin). If you find you are having fever, chills or pain that worsens, or should you notice excessive swelling, bruising, any new bleeding or discharge around incisions, your surgeon should be contacted immediately so he can do a proper assessment of your situation.
Pain Control After Breast Augmentation With Breast Lift
Generally speaking, oral pain medication is required for only about 2-3 days after breast surgery, and then most patients can switch to Tylenol. It is possible that in some instances you may be given antibiotics to take also. Avoiding any and all medication (oral or topical) not approved by your surgeon, including over the counter drugs or herbal supplements is a must. Avoid taking aspirin, fish oil or vitamin E (all of which will thin the blood and could cause bleeding).
Exercising After Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift
Exercising – is where women can be impatient :). A little walking is good from day one or two, but even with that being said, you must be sure to get plenty of rest. Your surgeon will advise you to sleep propped up at about a 30-degree angle to limit swelling at least for a few nights, maybe more. Invest in a wedge pillow or bed wedge if you think you will roll off of propped pillows when you fall asleep. Do not sleep on your stomach. Use this time for yourself. You must allow your friend or family members to cook for you, reach for things and lift things for you so that proper healing can take place.
Communicate With Your Plastic Surgeon
Do not be shy after surgery. Most concerns you will have right after surgery will resolve. However, always call if your concern seems urgent (signs of infection or hematoma) — or make a note to ask your surgeon about anything that you’re unsure of, on your next follow up visit.
Dr. Shaun Parson is an exceptionally well renowned, board certified plastic surgeon serving Scottsdale. If you are considering having a Breast Augmentation and/or Breast Lift, it would behoove you to contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery to set up a personal consultation. His expertise and caring personality will combine to give you the quality care that you deserve. Call (480) 282-8386.