03 Sep Breastfeeding after Breast Implants 101
Are you thinking about breast augmentation surgery but also considering breastfeeding in the future? “Can I breastfeed with breast implants?” is one of the most common questions asked at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. The good news is that you do NOT need to be finished having biological children if you want breast implants and you most likely won’t need to avoid breastfeeding in the future.
The demand for breast augmentation continues to rise, and with it concerns about how breast implants might impact a patient’s future. No matter what, one of the most important factors to consider is the skill of your surgeon. A breast augmentation surgeon should be board-certified and specialize in the procedure you are thinking about undergoing—contrary to popular belief, a surgeon can actually legally practice without being board-certified. This is the bare minimum qualification you can use to start your search for the best breast implant surgeon for you.
Moms with Breast Implants
A skilled surgeon can help ensure that breast augmentation will not interfere with future breastfeeding. However, also keep in mind that struggles with breastfeeding are common in people with and without breast implants. Breasts are comprised of both glandular and fatty tissue, as well as nerves, ligaments, and blood vessels. Breast milk is produced in lobules, a glandular structure that is moved through a system of channels and ducts to the nipple. It’s the nerves in the areola area of the breast that tell the brain to kick-start milk production, then glands lubricate the nipple while muscles get to work supporting breastfeeding through contraction. It’s a quite complex process, but all women (regardless of natural breast size) typically have the same number of lobules to produce milk.
There are countless accounts of women who have undergone all types of breast surgery, including breast augmentation, that go on to breastfeed with ease. Any interference due to surgery is usually caused by any manipulation of nerves needed for milk production signaling. Additional factors include incision placement (as well as amount of tissue removed in the case of a breast reduction). There are many options for incision placements and lengths, and this is a conversation that you will have during your consultation with Dr. Parson.
Ultimately, breast augmentation should not require cutting the glandular breast area or ducts, which means that breastfeeding should not be affected by the surgery. However, again, remember that there are a variety of other issues that might naturally affect breastfeeding (such as latching issues). However, if you are concerned about breast augmentation surgery being the cause of breastfeeding struggles, working with a leading board-certified plastic surgeon should provide peace of mind.
Is Breast Augmentation for You?
It is estimated that the popularity of breast implants will continue to rise in the coming years. Trends are always shifting, and right now the preferred look is smaller and more natural with a teardrop shape. What isn’t changing is the fact that women want and deserve leading experts to care for them throughout this journey. Breast implants actually have no “expiration date,” and are designed to last for years and even decades. However, most women find that they want a change in their look after 10 – 15 years, often opting for different types, sizes, or shapes for their breast implants at this point.
Ultimately, breast implants should fit easily into a patient’s changing life, including parenthood. There is no need to delay your desire for breast augmentation surgery just because you’re thinking about starting or expanding your family in the future. The first step is choosing the right surgeon, and that begins with a consultation with a board-certified surgeon. A consultation is where you can get all of your questions answered, but also gauge what your gut tells you about this particular expert. After all, this is the surgeon who will be guiding you through one of the most exciting moments in your life.
Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center specializes in breast augmentation surgery as well as other popular procedures such as liposuction and facelifts. Ready to schedule your consult with Dr. Parson? Call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today at (480) 282-8386 or complete the online form now.