08 Nov Do You Need a Breast Lift or Breast Reduction?
As a teenager it seemed like a blessing to have developed early and be the first of your friends to get a bra; however, now that you’re an adult and your back hurts along with your neck from the very same breasts that you thought were a blessing, you’re starting to curse the young girl from your past. While most women want to up their size and enhance their breasts, there are quite a few women who desire the exact opposite. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery performs breast lifts and/or breast reductions for women who are seeking relief from overly large and heavy breasts.
Lift and Fill With a Breast Lift
A breast lift, also referred to as mastopexy, is performed to lift and reshape the breasts while also repositioning the nipples to a more desirable location. During the procedure, excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is tightened to firm up the breasts and provide support to the new contour. Breast lifts, although they can reduce breast size some, do not make the breasts significantly smaller as they tend just to address loose skin and lost volume.
Breast augmentation is commonly combined with breast lifts to achieve fuller, rounder breasts. The women electing this procedure combo have typically suffered from breasts that have lost their shape either due to breastfeeding or gravity alone. When breasts lose volume, they can appear deflated. Breast implants help to restore volume, not necessarily increase size, to create a more youthful appearance.
Alleviate Neck and Back Pain With Breast Reduction
If you’re suffering from severe pain due to large breasts, a breast reduction may be a better option. A breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, can successfully reduce breast size by removing excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue. This can help women achieve a more proportionate profile and eliminate the constant pulling on their neck and shoulders as a result of reducing the overall weight of the breasts. Frequently, breast lifts are performed alongside breast reductions to elevate the breasts and to minimize enlarged areolas.
Shape Your Breasts With a Breast Lift or Reduction at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery
Depending on your needs, a breast lift or breast reduction can reshape your breasts to achieve a more proportionate size and flattering contour while alleviating undue pain. If you’re suffering from breasts that are too large for your frame or from skin laxity, contact Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson at (480) 282-8386 and schedule a consultation. During your consult, he will assess your breasts and will help you select the procedure that will help you reach your aesthetic goals.