17 May It’s Not Too Late to Get Breast Augmentation for Summer or Fall Vacation
Have you been thinking about getting breast implants but worry that it’s too late to make your grand debut by this summer? Book your consultation and appointment with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center and you’ll be able to enjoy and show off your results in time for your summer and fall getaway plans! Many women are surprised at just how quickly the recovery period is for breast augmentation thanks to the latest techniques and many choices when it comes to incision placement.
Breast augmentation is a serious surgery and full recovery will certainly take up to six months. However, most women feel confident revealing their new look just 4 – 6 weeks after their surgery. A special garment is worn for about one month post-op in order to help with the healing process and optimize results, but after that timeframe a lot of women are in swimsuits and plunging necklines making the most of their new aesthetic. Summer is almost upon us, but if you book your breast augmentation soon you’ll still have plenty of time left to heal and make the most of your new summer body.
Incision Decisions
There are many options when it comes to incision placement in breast augmentation, and the best incision site for you will be chosen in collaboration with your surgeon. One of the most popular placements is simply in the natural crease of the breast. This incision site is naturally hidden when wearing bras, swimsuits, and plunging necklines. It also allows for shorter or longer incisions, which means it’s suitable for both saline and silicone breast implants. Saline implants are inserted in a deflated form, which means they require a smaller incision. Silicone implants are inserted pre-filled with a silicone gel, and naturally this requires a larger incision.
Some women might require a breast lift in addition to breast implants to achieve the look they want. This is recommended when there is significant sagging of the breast, typically following pregnancy, nursing, and/or severe weight fluctuations. You’ll find out if a breast lift might be a good addition to breast implants during your consultation. If you have sagging breast skin right now, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need a breast lift. Bear in mind that the size of your desired breast implants also plays a role. Some skin laxity can be a good thing for women wanting larger breast implants, as it provides the ideal flexibility and room for fuller breasts.
Placement of Breast Implants
If you’re worried about the recovery period, whether you’re planning breast augmentation around a summer or fall event or simply can’t take too much time off of work, there are many factors that play a role in how quickly you heal. One of them is the placement of the breast implants. Breast implants can be placed below or above the chest muscles, and there are benefits to both locations. One benefit of placing the implants above the chest muscles is that the surgery is less invasive and, in turn, heals quicker. However, very slender women are often recommended to have placement below the chest muscles to allow for a more natural look.
How closely you follow after-care instructions also plays into how well and quickly you heal. Many women return to sedentary activities (including desk jobs or working from home) just one week after their breast augmentation surgery. It’s critical to follow your surgeon’s guidelines on when to return to all activities, including workouts. This is one of the key factors in determining recovery success. Another paramount factor is the skill of the surgeon—the more qualified your surgeon, the better your results (and recovery period!).
Scheduling Your Breast Implant Consultation
Breast implants offer one of the most customizable options of any cosmetic surgery. With so many types of breast implants, sizes, textures, placements, and incision options, it is a procedure truly unique to every woman. A consultation is your time to get all your questions answered, talk about your options with your surgeon, and gauge whether a particular doctor is the right fit for you.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center and take the first step towards getting the summer body you’ve always wanted. You can book online right now or call the office today.