02 Jan Breast Augmentation: To Lift Or Not To Lift
Women seeking a breast augmentation in Scottsdale have questions which include whether or not a breast lift should be added to their procedure. It is unfortunate but true – discontent with your breasts can have a negative impact on both your confidence and your self-esteem. A breast augmentation with lift is a way to restore your pre-pregnancy body and regain your femininity. Many women face breast issues due to aging, pregnancy and weight fluctuation. The ultimate goal when seeking a Scottsdale breast augmentation is to have natural-looking, feminine breasts that make them feel more attractive.
A breast lift is a surgical procedure that creates a more youthful aesthetic by removing stretched skin, reshaping the breast tissue, and moving the areola into a more elevated position. Because a breast lift does not address deflated breasts, many patients also elect to have an augmentation, or breast implants placed to increase the fullness of their breasts. These procedures are performed simultaneously while using the same incisions. A breast lift with augmentation can ultimately create a beautiful, feminine silhouette.
Breast Augmentation Without Lift
A breast augmentation (insertion of implants) is often performed to replace volume lost from weight loss, breastfeeding, or age or to increase the size of the breast for aesthetic reasons. A breast augmentation is most appropriate for patients with breasts that don’t sag. Should you and your plastic surgeon determine that a breast lift is not required, then you will decide the size and placement of the implants.
Breast Augmentation With Lift
A breast lift (mastopexy) is a powerful procedure that can lift the nipple, remove excess skin, and reshape the breasts to sit higher on the chest resulting in a more youthful look. A breast lift is appropriate for patients with breasts that are adequately sized but saggy. However, it can also be done in combination with implants to add volume, to adjust for asymmetry, or to improve unusually shaped breasts.
Deciding On Breast Augmentation With Or Without Breast Lift
A detailed examination before your Scottsdale breast augmentation will help determine the best surgical treatment for you. Every woman is unique, with different options and each has different concerns that they want to be addressed. The goal of a breast augmentation and / or a breast lift is to create an aesthetic breast with the size, shape, and projection that is desired by the patient. The decision as to the type of surgery and the size, shape, and position of the implants is primarily based on the patient’s anatomy, the type and size of the implant, and patients preferences.
Perhaps you are ready to move forward with your Scottsdale breast augmentation. Dr. Shaun Parson is a highly qualified and sought after board certified plastic surgeon who can guide you toward a beautiful outcome. Together with his professional team, your specific surgical goals will be determined, and your ultimate breast augmentation goals will be met. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your private consultation.