29 May Breast Augmentation is More Customizable Than Ever
Breast augmentation, or the enhancement of breasts via breast implants, is a highly customizable procedure. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, we specialize in select cosmetic surgeries including breast augmentation (which is often coupled with liposuction and/or a tummy tuck) and we are committed to providing you with results that you’ll love. Advancements in plastic surgery in recent years have been astounding, particularly in the field of breast augmentation. It’s not as simple as “getting a boob job,” because you can and should be able to individualize your procedure and results. Let’s look at just a few ways you can make your breast augmentation results exactly what you envision.
One of the first choices you’ll make is the type of implant—there are silicone and saline options. Within the world of silicone, there is also the “gummy bear implant,” which is a type of silicone implant. A lot of people prefer silicone because they think it feels more natural, but there are other considerations, too. For instance, saline implants require a smaller incision because they are filled after their placement. Plus, when it comes to where exactly the implant is and the amount of existing breast tissue and fat, how an implant feels is really going to vary person to person.
Placement of the implant also has two options: below or above the chest muscles. Placing implants above the chest muscles was the norm for many years and is still common. It’s a less invasive procedure since it does not require manipulation of the muscle tissue, which means a shorter recovery period. However, for clients who are very slender and have little breast tissue or fat, placing the implant below the muscles can lead to a more natural appearance. If you’re interested in a saline implant, putting it below the chest muscles can help improve how organic it feels. Another “perk” of saline implants that some clients prioritize is that—in the rare instance that there is a rupture—it’s very obvious when a saline implant needs attention. The same is not always true of a silicone implant, because a rupture in this material can be unnoticeable from the outside. Regardless of whether you opt for saline or silicone, it’s important to have a surgeon check your implant once every few years.
Incisions Options
You’ll have some say in the incisions, but ultimately this is going to be dictated by your doctor and your implant type. The most common incision is hidden in the natural crease of the breast and, after healing, can look nearly invisible to the naked eye. Less common incisions include in the armpit and even the navel. However, given the ease of access when using the breast crease and the tendency to heal very well, this is the most common site for the vast majority of breast implant surgeries.
Your incision length will depend on the implant size and type. Since saline implants are inserted “deflated,” they require a smaller incision (and, in turn, scar). Smaller silicone implants are going to require a smaller scar than larger implants. The size of the implants is measured in cc’s, and your surgeon can help you determine the right amount of cc’s for your goals. This is usually done by sharing inspiration photos or letting your doctor know your preferred cup size post-surgery.
Texture Time
Implants also come in two kinds of textures, smooth and, well, “textured.” Most implants are smooth, however there are benefits to textured implants—especially given today’s trends. In previous years, most clients wanted implants that were round for the bombshell look. That’s still in demand, but increasingly clients have been asking for teardrop-shaped implants. (The shape of your implant—round or teardrop—is yet another decision to make!). Teardrop shapes look more natural, but the round shape is timelessly and inherently sexy. With round implants, the slight rotation that can be common with implants doesn’t matter. Rotation does matter with teardrop implants.
Textured implants create a kind of light scar tissue that “sticks” the implants in place. Don’t worry—this isn’t the kind of scarring that is troublesome. However, if you want to minimize rotation, going with a textured implant is a good idea. These are just a few of the ways to make your surgery your own. To learn more or schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form.