20 Dec Should I Have Breast Augmentation Surgery During the Holidays?
If you’re like most women interested in breast augmentation, you’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center has been voted “Top Doc” in Scottsdale and is the only expert you want to trust for this life-changing procedure. Many patients are pleasantly surprised to learn that the downtime for breast augmentation is less than they imagine—just three weeks until they can resume the majority of their daily activities. However, even with that realization, is it a good idea to get breast augmentation surgery during the holidays?
Timing Your Breast Augmentation Surgery
It depends. There’s no “perfect time” for surgery because there’s only so much in life you can control. Those with young children might want to wait for the little ones to return to school before undergoing breast augmentation in Scottsdale. Those without kids (or with older children) who have generous holiday time off might find that December is a great time for surgery.
How busy you are during the holidays is also often a factor to consider. Maybe you have a calendar spilling over with holiday parties, or maybe you prefer to take advantage of scheduled time off to just relax. If you fall into the latter group, December might be the best time of year for you to consider breast augmentation.
Whether you decide to treat yourself to the ultimate holiday gift this month or choose to wait until the new year, it all starts with a consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Parson collaborates with patients to understand their needs and goals. This is also a time when you can discuss your recovery plan and what you can expect after surgery. A consultation for breast augmentation will also give you the opportunity to ask questions, see before and after photos of real patients, and determine if and when breast augmentation is the right choice for you.
Schedule Your Breast Surgery Consultation
Breast augmentation can permanently enhance and increase the size and shape of your breasts while addressing any sagging or loose skin. If you’re interested in learning more about what breast augmentation can do for you, call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today at (480) 282-8386.