03 Jul Bring Your Sexy Back With A Mommy Makeover
There are many reasons why women opt for a mommy makeover, but one main reason remains a constant – to get their sexy back. Sure, you may be a mom now, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a permanent “mom” body. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, we help moms restore their sexiness and get back their pre-baby body.
Customize Your Mommy Makeover to Achieve Sexy Results
The great thing about mommy makeovers is that they’re entirely tailor-made for you. Pregnancy affects everyone differently so when you’re ready to restore your pre-pregnancy body you can select the procedures that will help you reach your individual aesthetic goals.
Breast Enhancement
Your breasts go through a lot during pregnancy and nursing. Between weight fluctuations and milk production, your breasts can take on a new look and shape. Luckily, you have several options to enhance your breasts, including breast implants to help restore volume to deflated breasts or a breast lift to reverse possible aging due to the stretching of skin and tissue. You can even opt for both, breast augmentation and a breast lift to obtain fuller, perkier breasts that help you look and feel sexy.
Tummy Tuck
It’s a given your stomach is going to look different after giving birth. You had a baby grow inside of you for nine months, and as the baby grew, your midsection grew stretching the abdominal skin and muscles. All of that stretching can leave you with excess skin and feeling less than desirable. A tummy tuck performed by Dr. Shaun Parson can trim away the extra skin and tighten your abdominal muscles to give you a flat and toned tummy.
Along with the accumulation of excess skin following pregnancy, stubborn pockets of fat can develop. Many of times these fatty deposits can prove to be resistant to diet and exercise, which can be more than frustrating. Here, you’ve put in the time and effort and still have unflattering bulges. Liposuction can help you remove these small pockets of fat that have proved to be troublesome and definitely not sexy.
Look and Feel Sexy with a Mommy Makeover From Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery
Being a mother is a fantastic feeling, but what it can do to your body isn’t always so fabulous. With a mommy makeover from Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery, you can slip on that little black dress without worrying about lumps and bumps and finally look and feel sexy again. Contact Dr. Parson at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your consultation and get on the road to reclaiming your pre-baby body.