Aesthetics After Care Instructions

After Care

Aesthetics Treatment After Care Instructions

It’s important to follow after care instructions to ensure the health, safety, and longevity of your treatment. Check out After Care Instructions for popular aesthetics treatments at Parson Skin Center. Please contact our office if you have any questions.

After Care

Aesthetics Treatment After Care Instructions

It’s important to follow after care instructions to ensure the health, safety, and longevity of your treatment. Check out After Care Instructions for popular aesthetics treatments at Parson Skin Center. Please contact our office if you have any questions.


What to Avoid with Botox:
  • Massaging injected area or applying pressure for 24 hours (no hats or Clarisonic brushes)
  • Saunas & exercise for 24 hours
  • Retinol & exfoliating acids for 3 days after
  • Laying flat or bending over for 4 hours
What to Expect with Botox
  • Bruising in the area injected is normal and often expected, especially if treated around the eyes. Bruising can last up to several weeks
  • Some patients experience mild side effects such as a headache, which typically resolve within a few days
  • Post injection bumps typically dissipate within an hour
  • Results can take up to 14 days to take full effect. Remember, all good things come to those who wait! A follow-up visit at 2 weeks is suggested to assess results for subsequent treatments, particularly if you are a first time client.
  • Re-treatment is typically needed between 3-4 months


  • Do NOT touch, press, rub, massage, or manipulate the treatment area.
  • Ice the treated areas for the next 24 hours. Place the icepack on the area for 20 minutes and remove the ice pack for 20 minutes. Continue this pattern for 24 hours.
  • Apply (over the counter) Arnica gel to the treatment area to help decrease the bruising, swelling, and discomfort.
  • Take (over the counter) acetaminophen and/or pain reliever if needed to decrease post treatment discomfort.
  • Sleep on your back and with your head elevated for the next 3-5 days after treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids after treatment.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for 72 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week after treatment. These items may increase bleeding and bruising.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods and cigarettes 24-48 hours after your treatment. These items may contribute to increased swelling or irritation.
  • Avoid cosmetic treatments such as injectables, laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro-dermabrasion to the Kybella treatment area.
  • Please report to your provider immediately if you develop an asymmetric smile or facial muscle weakness, skin ulceration in the treatment area, difficulty swallowing, or if any existing symptom worsens.


Pre-Sculptra instructions:
  • Do NOT take aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, fish oil, St. John’s Wort, garlic pills, or any other anti-inflammatory medications for 1-2 weeks if okay with your primary physician.  These medications can increase the risk of bruising.  For mild pain or headaches, Tylenol (acetaminophen) is preferred.
  • DO consider taking over the counter Arnica supplements (available at most supplement stores, Whole Foods, or Sprouts) starting 3-5 days before your treatment as they have been shown to decrease bruising
  • DO inform your nurse or physician if you have a history of medication allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and any other medical problems.
  • The ideal time to schedule this procedure is at LEAST 2 weeks before a big event.
Post-Sculptra Instructions:
  • DO massage the treated areas 5 times a day for about 5 minutes for 5 days after treatment.  Then twice daily for two weeks.
  • DO hold ice packs on the treated areas gently for about 3-5 minutes a few times on same day of treatment.
  • Feel free to wear makeup the following day.
  • Treated areas may be red, swollen, and bruised for the first 2-7 days.
  • Do NOT get a facial or massage for 2 weeks after your filler procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous workouts and alcohol for 48-72 hours.
  • If bruising occurs, continue Arnica supplements, DO apply topical Arnica gel, drink fresh pineapple juice, and/or take Bromelain supplements to help bruising resolve faster.
  • Bruising can be covered with makeup.
  • A few days after treatment, you will look as you did before treatment.  This is normal, as the volume achieved immediately following treatment will be absorbed and used to build your own collagen.
Buttock Augmentation:
  • Swelling and bruising is a normal occurrence.
  • No cardiovascular exercise until the initial swelling has subsided.
  • Avoid stationary pressure to the area that is longer than two hours.  Change positions frequently.
  • Report any abnormal pain, bruising, or discoloration.
Follow-Up Treatment:
  • Follow up treatments should be scheduled about every 4-6 weeks.
  • Visible results may not be seen until 3 sessions have been completed.
  • Results can last more than two years.

Dermal Fillers

We know you are going to love your results, but please be patient during this process. We recommend 2-4 weeks for proper healing after dermal filler of any kind.

What to Expect with Dermal Fillers:
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Pain/tenderness
  • Lumpy/bumpiness (please be patient these will go away, and with lips can be massaged)
  • Asymmetries (uneven from one side to another)
  • Stiffness
  • No straws for 2 weeks (if lips injected)
What to Expect with Dermal Fillers:
  • ICE ICE ICE (48 hours- 15 mins on and 15 mins off)
  • Stay out of the heat
  • Refrain from workouts for 24 hours
  • No facial treatments for 2 weeks
  • If you have any concerns, please come back and see us
  • Inform your provider if you have a known history of cold sores
  • Arnica (gel/oral) and non-drowsy allergy medications can be taken to help the healing process.


Prior to Morpheus8 treatment:
  • The provider will discuss during a consultation if the next two steps are applicable specifically for you.
  • Pretreat with Hydroquinone and/or Retinol prior to treatment (per provider instructions).
  • You will discontinue use of these products 3 days before morpheus8.
  • Pick up prescriptions from pharmacy, including 1 Valium (Per discretion of provider), and Valtrex (Per discretion of provider for cold sores).
  • Purchase ZO Skin Health Gentle Cleanser.
Day of Morpheus8 Treatment:
  • Eat a meal before coming into office.
  • Bring prescriptions with you to office (if applicable).
  • When you arrive at the office, and you are being numbed, you will take one Valium (if applicable).
  • Cleanse skin prior to going to bed with Zo Gentle cleanser and apply Aquaphor.
  • Night of treatment, sleep with your head elevated as much as it is comfortable for you if any swelling is present.
  • A driver will be required if you are prescribed valium, you will not be able to drive yourself to/from the appointment.
Day 1-3 After Morpheus8
  • AM/PM Cleanse gently with Cetaphil and apply Aquaphor (SPF In morning).
  • Take antihistamine of choice if swollen. Ex. Benadryl, Zyrtec, Allegra.
  • Visible track marking, bruising, swelling, redness are all normal responses to the treatment. This can last up to 3-7 days.
  • No exercise that will increase heat/sweat, no outdoor activities in sunlight for 48/72 hours. If skins appearance is still be healing after 72 hours, light workouts can resume but no heavy sweating or heat.
  • Send photos to your aesthetician the morning after your treatment.
Day 5-7  After Morpheus8
  • If the skin still appears to be healing, continue with more gentle products. If no visible track marking persists you may go back to your normal skincare routine.
  • Exfoliate with a ZO Exfoliating polish to buff away any dead skin on Day 6 or 7.
  • If any concerns are present, please send another photo to your aesthetician.


Prior to CO2 treatment:
  • Pretreat with Hydroquinone and/or Retinol prior to treatment (per provider instructions).
  • You will discontinue the use of these products 3 days before C02.
  • Pick up a prescription from a pharmacy which will include 2 Valium , 2 Narco, and Valtrex (Per discretion of provider for cold sores).
  • Purchase Cetaphil gentle cleanser and Aquaphor from your local drugstore.
Day of CO2 Treatment:
  • Eat meal before coming in to office.
  • Bring prescriptions with you to office.
  • When you arrive to office and you are being numbed, you will take one Valium and one Narco.
  • Right before treatment starts you will take your second valium. (you will be instructed by your provider when/how to take your meds).
  • Apply Aquaphor as much as needed to keep skin moist. DO NOT let skin dry out.
  • Night of treatment sleep with head elevated as much as it is comfortable for you.
  • A driver will be required as you will be on prescription medicine, you will not be able to drive yourself to/from appointments.
Day 1-5 After CO2 Treatment
  • Upon waking- Cleanse gently with Cetaphil and apply a generous amount of Aquaphor.
  • Apply Aquaphor throughout the entirety of the day to keep skin moist. Remember DO NOT let your skin dry out.
  • Take the antihistamine of choice if swollen. Ex. Benadryl, Zyrtec, Allegra.
  • Do not pick or pull at skin.
  • No exercise that will increase heat/sweat, no outdoor activities in sunlight.
  • Send daily photos to the office.
Day 6-10  After CO2 Treatment
  • Wash with gentle cleanser and apply gentle moisturizer am/pm.
  • If going out apply SPF 30 or higher.
  • Attend your follow up appointment with your provider.