16 Jan Dos and Don’ts Before Laser Hair Reduction
Whether you’ve had laser hair reduction or not, knowing how to plan is critical—especially since every laser is different and best practices evolve. At Parson Skin Center, we offer a variety of lasers so you can get individualized treatments and results. Lasers are available for all skin tones and types, and while pre- and post-care practices can vary laser to laser, there are some general rules of thumb to know. All will be discussed during your consultation, but considering that a consultation isn’t required and prep can take some time, it’s a good idea to have a solid understanding of how to prepare now.
Laser hair reduction works by using a concentrated laser (light wave) to diminish unwanted hair drastically. Although it is sometimes called laser hair removal, this is actually a misnomer. There’s no laser that can remove all unwanted hair permanently—which is why the correct term is “hair reduction.” Still, many people enjoy such a dramatic reduction in hair that they can skip shaving or waxing for days, weeks, or even months. The best candidates for laser hair reduction are those with lighter skin and dark hair, though darker skin tones can also achieve great results. Lasers are not effective on blond/e hair or peach fuzz.
What Does Remove Hair Forever?
Only electrolysis gets rid of hair forever. However, this is a very long, painful, and expensive procedure. It is best reserved for very small areas and/or for those undergoing M2F transition procedures. Electrolysis may also require multiple zaps of the same follicle since the treatment comes in different concentrations and (due to pain), providers tend to be conservative to make it bearable. Laser hair reduction is much faster and quicker, with the sensation being described as a rubber band snapping against the skin instead of electric shocks. Larger areas can be treated at one time instead of follicle by follicle.
However, multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart are still required with lasers. This usually means 4 – 6 sessions per site spaced about one month apart. Since hair follicles grow in cycles, there’s no way to get all hairs with laser at once. There will be follicles without hair during your appointment, which is why the process needs to follow your hair’s own cycle. But if you start laser hair reduction right now, you’ll have fantastic results in time for summer.
To Shave or Not to Shave?
So, should you shave before laser hair reduction? You don’t before waxing, but this is a completely different procedure. These days, it is recommended to shave before lasering for more comfort and better results. Laser lights are absorbed by the hair underneath the skin rather than visible hair. A close shave can make for a smoother procedure. Plus, shaving can help with effectiveness, too. When hair is long, the laser beam might not be able to reach all follicles, rendering it useless … and painful. It’s best to shave either the morning of the treatment or the night before.
You also don’t want to bleach the hair that will be treated. Do not tweeze or wax because the follicle needs to be intact and this kind of aggressive removal can damage it (for weeks). Instead, stick to shaving as long as possible before your treatment, and also remember that if a hair is completely removed (i.e. waxing) there is no hair for the laser to target. How long you should avoid waxing, tweezing, and bleaching has no singular answer. Instead, if you’re thinking about laser hair reduction, stop all hair removal now (except shaving) to make sure your follicles are healthy and that hairs are present during your first appointment.
What to Expect with Laser Hair Reduction
This treatment is not considered painful, though everyone has different thresholds and different parts of the body are more sensitive than others. A topical numbing cream can be applied for optimal comfort. The length of appointments will also vary based on the site of the treatment. Upper lips take much less time than full legs.
If you have questions about laser hair reduction, a consultation is the next step. Schedule yours at Parson Skin Center today by giving us a call or, for the fastest response, complete the online contact form now.