30 Jun Celebs Love Microneedling for the Same Reasons You Do
The roots of microneedling go back to 1905, when the treatment was used to treat serious skin issues (such as burns), but has existed as we know it today since 1995. It’s always been one of the most requested procedures at Parson Skin Center, and this minimally-invasive treatment has many perks that celebs and non-celebs alike love. For starters, there’s absolutely no downtime. Everyone has a busy schedule, whether you’re shooting movies or hoops with your kids. Some skin treatments can require serious downtime, such as deep chemical peels. Microneedling lets you immediately get up and look like you’ve had nothing done.
Wait—why would you want to look just like you did before getting the treatment? Microneedling (seriously) works by harnessing the power of your own body to heal itself. The results aren’t immediate, but you’ll start to see clearer, brighter, tauter, and more youthful skin in the days and weeks following your treatment. Most clients benefit from a series of treatments, with full results about 4 – 6 weeks after the final treatment.
The Microneedling FAQs
Thousands of tiny, shallow needles are used during this treatment and only specialists have access to clinical-grade microneedling devices. Don’t trust those “microneedling” products you see online or in stores. They’re not nearly as advanced or safe as what your dermatology clinic has. Plus, it’s not just about the device. You want to have someone with years of training and experiencing performing microneedling on you—this is no time for a DIY approach.
Those little needles lead to better skin because they create thousands of micro-injuries in the top layer of the skin. Don’t worry, it’s not painful and there are no open wounds or bleeding during a clinical microneedling session. Most patients describe it as feeling like an exfoliation. However, all those little injuries tell your body that there’s been a trauma, which causes blood (and all the good stuff in it!) to be rushed to the injury site. At the same time, injuries tell your body to produce collagen in the damaged area. Collagen is our inherent fountain of youth, but we produce less of it as we age. Microneedling can bring our skin back to its youthful collagen production days.
Microneedling Supplements Other Treatments
You can certainly schedule a microneedling session by itself, and many patients do. However, microneedling is one of the most common add-on procedures at Parson Skin Center. It complements just about every other cosmetic treatment, and because it’s so minimally invasive you can often include a microneedling session in the same appointment as most other procedures.
Most clients who try microneedling immediately fall in love with it. It’s fast, easy, and works with the body. Maintenance sessions are usually recommended every few weeks, and once you get on your own microneedling schedule you’ll see these appointments as “you time” exclusively for pampering so you can look and feel your best. Microneedling is so quick that it’s easy to squeeze in a lunch time appointment or book a session in between errands.
Proven Treatments That Work
Microneedling as we use it today is already 25 years old. It’s proven itself time and again, and certainly isn’t any kind of trend. Celebrities love it because you can’t tell you’ve had anything done and it takes up minimal time from your busy schedule—which is exactly why you’ll love it, too. However, remember that getting started with microneedling takes some patience. You have to stick with your recommended initial schedule and wait to see the complete results, but a lot of clients start to see visible improvements in their skin about one week after their first session.
Microneedling can also extend the results of some more aggressive treatments like laser skin resurfacing. If you’ve undergone a treatment to yield more dramatic results, you want those results to last as long as possible. An influx in collagen production keeps the skin soft, youthful, and supple for longer. Find out more about using microneedling to enhance your skin by calling Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.