12 Mar Everything You Need to Know About Your Cosmetic Surgeon in Phoenix
Cosmetic surgery is positively life-changing, and many men and women alike think about getting “something done” for years. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center is home to the “top doc” in the region, Dr. Parson, as voted by his peers and colleagues. We’re located conveniently in Scottsdale, accessible to Phoenix, and are committed to providing you with the absolute best in care and results.
Dr. Parson specializes in cosmetic surgery for the breasts, body, and face, from breast augmentation to mommy makeovers. If you’re like a lot of patients (or patients to be) you’re in the thick of your own research. You’ve already discovered that Dr. Parson is the leading cosmetic surgeon in Scottsdale, and you’ve probably taken a peek at our before-and-after gallery. However, if you really want to get into the thick of cosmetic surgery in Phoenix (or simply want to dominate at the next trivia night), you might want to take a look at some of these surprising facts:
- Women comprise 90 percent of plastic surgery patients. It’s unsurprising that women are still the primary plastic surgery patients, but male patients are on the rise. In fact, men are opting for plastic surgery at a rate 45 percent higher than they did in 2000. Breast reduction is a procedure normally thought of as reserved for women, but today men make up 40 percent of breast reduction surgery patients!
- Plastic surgery has nothing to do with plastic. The very first plastic surgery procedure was performed in 1837, 18 years before plastic was invented. The term comes from the Greek word plastikos, which actually means “to mold.”
- You’ll never guess that this celebrity has had plastic surgery. If asked which Hollywood celebrity has had plastic surgery, a safe answer is all of them. However, there are probably a few household names that you’d never think have had plastic surgery—and Steve Buscemi is one of them. In 2001, Buscemi got into a fight that left him stabbed in the neck and face. He restored his unique appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. Buscemi’s experience isn’t actually that unique because plastic surgery was originally intended as reconstructive surgery following trauma.
- Early adopters might surprise you. Plastic surgery as we know it today started in the 19th century, but it has roots in the 16th century. Dr. Gaspare Tagliacozzi used forearm skin to reconstruct a patient’s mutilated nose. Cosmetic surgery wasn’t very advanced in the 16th century, so the forearm had to stay attached to the nose for many weeks in order for the procedure to work (but it did!).
- There’s a procedure to keep you in the holiday spirit year-round. The best of Santa’s little helpers never take a day off. There’s actually a procedure called “elfing” in which cartilage is rearranged on the ears to make you look (permanently) like an elf. It has some followers, but we haven’t had any patients request this in Phoenix (yet). (A note to our readers: no judgement, but “elfing” is definitely a procedure for a specialist who works regularly with this request—or as regularly as one can. Our apologies, but it’s not currently available at our clinic.)
- Want that Pokertox? Many people know how Botox works. It’s the most well-known neuromodulator injection and temporarily freezes targeted muscles to minimize wrinkles. One of the most popular areas for Botox is between the brows and many patients opt for it around the eyes. However, hardcore poker players also depend on Botox for their competitions. If you really want a poker face that nobody can read, an ample amount of Botox in less orthodox locations can give you that competitive edge! However, Botox is more commonly used to achieve a natural-looking result where your expressions are still visible.
- Surgery tourism is a thing. Also called “lipo-tourism,” more and more people are traveling to the best surgeons to get the best results. In fact, we often work with patients far outside of Phoenix or Scottsdale because they know Dr. Parson is a leading expert.
Plastic surgery has a long and fascinating history, and if you’re lucky enough to live in Scottsdale or Phoenix you don’t have to travel far to work with a top cosmetic surgeon. To find out more about your options, call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 today and schedule a consultation.