09 Aug Is Bigger Better? Selecting Your Breast Implant Size
Breast augmentation is by far the most popular cosmetic surgery sought after by women. It can enhance their bust by giving them the large, voluptuous breasts they have always wanted. When many think of breast implants, they immediately think of a female flaunting her overly large breasts. Although this may be true for some patients, it isn’t the case for all. Women seek out breast augmentation at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery for all types of reasons.
Some women are simply born with smaller breasts and desire a more proportionate figure. Other women, young and old, want breast implants to restore lost breast volume either due to age or pregnancy. Some want them in addition to a breast lift. When it comes down to it – most women are not out to get double Ds, they want attractive, natural-looking breast implants.
Focus on Volume Not Cup Size
When selecting your implant size, it should be based on your personal preferences, your body type, and your lifestyle. It can be difficult to gauge how big your breasts will be after surgery. Specific cup sizes are not accurate to the size you will necessarily receive after the implants have been placed and shaped to fit your body. It’s important to select your implant size based on volume, such as in CCs.
Of course, we know that can sound foreign to many, and how can you possibly know how big your breasts will be based on a number signifying volume? That’s why Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson uses the advanced Mentor Volume Sizing System to help his patients decide on the best implant size for them.
The Mentor Volume Sizing System
The Mentor Volume Sizing System is a highly precise sizing technique that allows patients not only to see what they would look like with a particular sized implant but also feel what it would be like. With the Mentor Volume Sizing System, Dr. Parson can create 24 different sized implants based on volume for patients to physically put into their bras to preview their desired size and weight. These sizing implants are bioengineered to mimic what the actual implant will look like following surgery. By offering this implant sizing feature, patients can get the best possible results.
No matter why you want or need implants, Dr. Shaun Parson will assist you in selecting the best size for you and your needs. Every woman deserves to have the bustline she desires. If you’re ready to take the next step in your breast augmentation journey, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery at (480) 282-8386 to set up your sizing consultation.