30 Jan Why Add Liposuction To Your Tummy Tuck?
Liposuction is an effective procedure that is commonly added on to other treatments, such as tummy tucks and mommy makeovers. Today, tummy tucks and liposuction are among the most popular cosmetic procedures done in the United States. In some cases, these procedures are done together during the same surgery. In fact, getting a tummy tuck combined with liposuction is becoming more and more common. And, why are people doing it?
In One Fell Swoop Adding Liposuction Finishes The Job
Loose, sagging skin is often left behind after weight loss or pregnancy. While liposuction can help to get rid of stubborn fat that clings to the body after you’ve lost weight, it may not rid you of all the excess skin. A tummy tuck or a mommy makeover can help get rid of that extra skin to give you a slimmer waist and flatter stomach. Combining liposuction and a mommy makeover or tummy tuck could actually be the missing piece to your body makeover puzzle.
The Not So Obvious Health Benefits Of Liposuction
Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits of having a tummy tuck or mommy makeover combined with liposuction, you may also enjoy some additional tummy tuck perks. Without extra skin and fat around the abdominal area, many people are able to have a better posture. Additionally, people who feel more comfortable and confident in their workout gear are more prone to put it on and exercise even more. It’s not just a psychological thing, either. Excess skin and abdominal fat can restrict movement, making exercise uncomfortable and difficult. People who feel more comfortable in their bodies are more likely to be active. It’s a fact.
Liposuction with Tummy Tuck Surgery | Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson
Perhaps you have been giving thought to combining liposuction with a tummy tuck or even a mommy makeover. It can be a life-changing decision and improve one’s outlook and attitude exponentially. Dr. Shaun Parson is a licensed, board certified plastic surgeon in Scottsdale. He has a loyal following of patients who appreciate his honesty and open-hearted approach, not to mention his skills as a respected plastic surgeon. Call the office of Dr. Shaun Parson at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your private consultation.