12 Sep Breast Implant Sizes: Too Big, Too Small Or Just Right?
Size matters when it comes to breasts implants. And it’s not just about what one person may consider being attractive. What it does have to do with is not only the size the woman desires but also what size implant the woman’s body will safely accommodate.
Of course, there are many sizes of breast implants available. Some women want a dramatic change, while others want a look that increases breast size but still looks natural.
You may want to consult your friends and family for advice, but ultimately, the decision must be that of yours and your plastic surgeon. Together you will discuss your desired look and decide, with your surgeon, if your desires line up with your body structure. You are the one who must live with your decision, so make the right decision. Many women have subsequent surgeries because they perhaps did not have a surgeon that advised properly regarding size and placement. For this reason finding a board certified, experienced plastic surgeon is of utmost importance.
The Rice Test
Some women like to make their own “ trial implant” at home and try it on for size before deciding on implant size. Simply fill a knee-high stocking with uncooked rice. Ten ounces is usually a good starting point. Tie it off and place it in your bra. Too small? Add more rice. If it seems too big, subtract some. This can give you a pretty good assessment of how you will look after your surgery.
It’s important to ensure that your breasts are in proportion to the rest of your body, so pay attention to not only your breasts but also your entire body. If your breasts are overwhelming, you will look unnatural, and it will be obvious to most that a breast augmentation was done. This may or may not be a concern that you have, but still good to note.
Listen to Your Surgeon
Your surgeon, if picked wisely, has likely done thousands of breast implants and ultimately knows what looks good and what your body can handle. If your plastic surgeon is discouraging you from a larger size, it’s likely due to the risks involved. Pay attention to his or her advice.
Breast Implant Consultation with Parson Plastic Surgery Center in Scottsdale
Dr. Shaun Parson is a board certified plastic surgeon skilled in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Serving Scottsdale and the surrounding areas, he has an excellent reputation and a loyal following. Call Parson Plastic Surgery Center at (480) 282-8386 to set up an informative consultation session to see if breast implants are right for your body.