08 Sep 3 Steps + 30 Minutes for the Best Skin of Your Life with HydraFacial
You’ve probably had a facial before—or a few of them. Nothing compares or prepares you for the incredible results of HydraFacial, available at Parson Skin Center. This non-invasive treatment requires just three steps and 30 minutes to achieve the most beautiful skin of your life. Using patented technologies, HydraFacial cleanses, extracts, and hydrates your skin so quickly that it’s a favorite lunchtime appointment (or, in the days of COVID, easily fits in between Zoom meetings).
The first step is “cleanse + peel” so that a new, younger-looking layer of skin is revealed. This process involves a gentle exfoliation followed by a relaxing resurfacing. It’s the necessary foundational step to prep your skin for what’s to come. The second step is the “extract + hydrate” phase. Here, debris is removed from the pores with a quick and painless suction device. Immediately afterward, skin is nourished with moisturizers designed to optimally quench the skin. Finally, the third step is “fuse + protect.” In this step, the skin’s surface is flooded with peptides and antioxidants to give it a gorgeous glow.
What Makes HydraFacial Different?
Maybe you’ve seen similar sounding treatments at MediSpas, but HydraFacial is totally different. It utilizes a unique Vortex-Fusion system to exfoliate, extract, and hydrate to a level you’ve never experienced before. Plus, the spiral design of the device promises painless extractions. Anyone who’s had “extractions” before knows that the process isn’t always pleasant. Sometimes it’s painful and you’re often left with a Rudolph nose afterward. Extractions can and should be gentle so that skin trauma is minimized.
The Vortex-Fusion technology is used in tandem with the HydraFacial vacuum technology while serums are applied to the skin. This results in the “vortex,” which means quick and easy dislodging of all debris on the skin’s surface and in the pores. When it comes to skin that looks lifeless, dull, and bumpy, a lot of the time the cause is simply debris on the surface and clogged in the pores. If you’ve ever squeezed your pores before (though you never should!), then you know exactly how much gunk can be lodged in there. Extraction is a critical part of the process so that serums, peptides, and antioxidants can do their job.
Why 3 Steps?
In an ideal world, we’d always follow three steps when taking care of our skin. Cleansing, extracting, and hydrating are the three key elements to skin that looks and acts young and healthy. But there are problems doing this at home on a routine basis. For starters, exfoliating and extracting are delicate procedures. Done too roughly can lead to skin damage that only makes things worse. Most of us have experienced a DIY exfoliant that felt uncomfortable or left us with raw-looking skin. Extracting debris from pores ourselves can lead to tiny tears in the skin that can result in big problems. In short, it’s not a good idea to exfoliate or extract ourselves, especially not on a daily basis.
Then there’s the issue of cleansing and hydrating at home. Yes, we should certainly do this on a regular basis but most people don’t have the medical-grade products to do so. Things get even more complicated when we realize our skin needs are always changing! Even if you invest in a multi-step product suite to cleanse and hydrate, your skin might need a little tweak the next time. Instead, the smart thing to do is to have an at-home skin care routine with recommended products that are foundational. These should be used on a daily basis. However, the HydraFacial allows professionals to customize cleansing and hydration products for what our skin needs right at that moment.
Treat Yourself to a HydraFacial Today
HydraFacial products are problem solvers. It’s a personalized facial to treat redness, calm down the skin, hydrate it, and fix just about any other issue you have. The additives and serums added to each HydraFacial are hand-selected for your skin type and need. It’s a fantastic solution to get as a last-minute summer boost and to help prepare your skin for the upcoming weather change.
There’s no downtime after a HydraFacial, making it the perfect treat before your next Skype session. Contact Parson Skin Center today at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your HydraFacial appointment.