26 Feb 3 Considerations Before Getting a Mommy Makeover
A mommy makeover is an ultimate option for obtaining a flat tummy and perky, full breasts. However, at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center, the safety of the patient is always the top priority. Not everyone is a good candidate for a mommy makeover, and some women may want to wait before pursuing the procedure.
Here are a few things to consider if a mommy makeover is on your wish list:
1. Make sure you’re done having biological children. A mommy makeover includes a tummy tuck with breast augmentation or a breast lift. Pregnancies can re-stretch the skin. In some cases, the tummy tuck is so tight that it can be difficult for the skin to stretch during future pregnancies. In some rare cases, breastfeeding can be challenging after a breast lift or breast augmentation. For the health of both mom and baby, it’s best to be certain you will not have any future pregnancies.
2. Mommy makeovers aren’t a weight loss procedure. Although liposuction is a common complement to a mommy makeover, the goal of the surgery isn’t weight loss. Instead, it’s intended to flatten the tummy, tighten abdominal muscles, and improve the shape and fullness of the breasts. Major weight loss should be addressed by diet, exercise, and/or weight loss-centric surgeries such as gastric bypass.
3. It’s a serious surgery with related downtime. A tummy tuck or breast augmentation by themselves are already an invasive surgery. Combining them can be helpful because it provides a single recovery period, but keep in mind that recovery times will be slightly different for everyone. It’s important to create a support network and carve out time in your schedule to fully focus on healing and recovery.
Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center for Your Mommy Makeover!
Nothing compares to the incredible results of a mommy makeover, but every surgery comes with risks. Learn more about mommy makeovers and whether you’re a good candidate by calling Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.